
Align your Spine

achieve homeostasis through natural holistic means

Chiropractic Solutions, PLLC?

Located near the Fremont Troll and easily accessible from Ballard, Wallingford, Northgate, the University District, South Lake Union, and downtown Seattle, is a chiropractor that focuses on the whole patient and not just the symptoms. Come for individualized holistic treatment that’s focused on facilitating your body to heal itself through the proper functioning of the nervous system via chiropractic adjustments, proper nutrition and supplementation, as well as proper movement patterns and functional exercise.

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Chiropractic Care

HVLA (high-velocity low amplitude) diversified manual adjustments. Joint manipulation or chiropractic adjustments are simply impulses directed at specific joints in order to release a restriction that is limiting segmental mobility.  Healthy joints have natural pain-free range of motion; lack of mobility leads to degeneration and deterioration of the joint. These adjustments can be delivered manually or with specialized chiropractic tools. 

There are also modalities (e.g., Activator tool or mobilization) that are effective without the audible “pop” or “crack,” known as ‘cavitations.’ Those that are seeking Chiropractic care and are averse to having their joints “cracked” can still receive treatment.

Soft-Tissue Manipulation

Pin-and-Stretch, Swedish, deep tissue, CRAC, A.R.T., sports massage, are all modalities that are employed at Chiropractic Solutions, PLLC and are utilized to reduce hypertonicity or contractures in affected musculature. The soft tissue modalities utilized during these sessions are more targeted, intense, and brief than those received at a massage therapy session. They are complementary to LMT sessions.

Corrective Exercise/ Rehab

Dr. Kyle Yu has a Master’s of Science (M.S.) in Exercise and Sports Science in addition to his D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic degree) and has attended numerous rehab seminars in order to fix and retrain proper functional movement patterns. 

Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC) / Personal Injury (PI)

Dr. Yu has 5+ years experience working with top greater Seattle metro PI attorneys and auto insurance claim managers to get auto injury patients back to medical maximum improvement (MMI). This usually means referring for advanced imaging and co-treatment with other medical providers.

Worker's Comp. / L&I

Dr. Yu has 5+ years experience working with L&I case managers to get patients proper treatment, so they can return to normal duty; often, this means coordinating care with other healthcare professionals (e.g., LMT, DPT, MD, etc.).


Instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation (IASTM), also known as “gua-sha” in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Graston Technique ©,  or FAKTR (Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation) are all versions of utilizing a tool to facilitate breaking up scar tissue and fascial adhesions as well as introducing localized inflammation in order to initiate a healing respond.

Nutritional Counseling & Supplementation

A standard American diet (S.A.D.) is often lacking in micronutrients, probiotics, fiber, and key minerals. Unless one is hyper-vigilant with their diet, supplementation is often needed. Navigating the thousands of supplement claims can be daunting so come seek professional guidance from a chiropractor that has been trained in nutrition. 

Personal Training

Certified in PTA Global (PTAG) as well as a previous ‘Master Trainer’ at 24 Hour Fitness ©, Dr. Kyle Yu can provide personalized training services in a convenient location, such as your home gym, the outdoors, or another facility.

753 N. 35th St., Ste. 301
Seattle WA, 98103

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By Appointment Only




By Appointment Only


By Appointment Only

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“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Thomas Edison
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